Opening Day 2023

Thursday, 2nd March 2023

Arrangements for Opening Day



Opening Day this year will be on Sunday 16th April. Lunch will be served in the Bower at 1pm (please gather from 12.30pm). Lunch will cost £10. Lunch is, of course, optional but those wishing to participate MUST book beforehand (for catering purposes). To guarantee a ticket members are advised to add their names to the list displayed in the Bower. It would be appreciated if payment for the lunch could be made in advance at the Coffee Morning on 1st April. 

Members are reminded that it is traditional on this occasion to wear full club“uniform”. Unfortunately I suspect many of the newer members will not have full uniform in which case club shirt (or plain white shirt) & navy pullover will suffice,grey trousers for men and navy trousers for ladies.

After a photocall the Green will be officially opened at 2.30pm, followed by a “spider”and then a mixed jumble.

Cleaning/Working Party Days

Obviously much work is necessary to prepare for Opening Day and the ensuing season. 

Internal cleaning of the Bower will be carried out by the Ladies during the preceding week. Volunteers are asked to gather from 10am on Monday 11th April and each day thereafter. A list of the duties involved will be available for those new members not familiar with the tasks to be carried out;

The Men will be responsible for cleaning their own toilet and locker room in the Bower and for all the outside areas and those who are able to assist will be welcome on a daily basis commencing from Monday 3rd April (after 10am). A list of the duties involved is attached and is also posted on the notice board to the left of the Men’s locker room. The duties listed are self-explanatory, anyone unsure of how to proceed with a particular duty contact Rob Tapper (Green Manager) or Stewart Elliott (Facilities Manager).  It would be appreciated if as many male members as possible come to help out, remember “many hands make light work”.

Green Maintenance

As most of you will know Rob Tapper is our Green Manager.  Anyone else who might be interested in working on the green should initially contact Rob on 07787557413, or speak to him personally. Remember, the green is the bowling club, without it there will be no bowling!



The league season commences on Tuesday 25th April, leaving very little time for members to practice outdoors. The club nights will start on Tuesday 18th April. The other league starting dates are as follows:

Stan Bragg League – Monday 8th May – Aspatria (A)
Eden Valley League – Tuesday 25th April – Caldbeck (A)
Ladies Cumbria League – Wednesday 10th May – Linton (H)
Carliol Thursday League – Thursday 11th May – Subscription (A)
Carliol Over 60s League – Friday 12th May – Brampton (H)

On display on the club notice boards are sheets for each League for members to indicate that they are interested in playing in the league teams. If you wish to participate ensure that your name is down on the league sheet you wish to play in. It is from these sheets that teams will be selected by the Team Captains. 

It is sincerely hoped that all members enjoy a happy and successful bowling season in 2023 and continued good health.