February 2022 Newsletter

Sunday, 13th February 2022

Essential information for members

Annual Subscriptions

In accordance with the club rules the annual subscription for full members (£60) and social members (£10) is due to be paid on or before the 5th March, which is our next coffee morning. The payment options are as follows:

Online -  Barclays Bank
            -  Sort Code 20-18-47

            -  Account No. 30935549

            -  Payee name - Wetheral Bowling Club

Cheque – made out to “Wetheral Bowling Club”

If at all possible please pay online, otherwise at the coffee morning on the 5th March. Should any member not wish to renew their membership I would be grateful if you would let me know please.

Opening Day

Opening Day this year will be on Sunday 10th April and comprise lunch, photocall, spider and roll-up. Uniform should be worn. Lunch is available at a cost of £10 and there is a list displayed in the Bower for names of those wishing to participate. More details about the Opening Day arrangements will be sent out separately. 

Management Committee Minutes

The Management Committee are against distributing minutes to members by email as they consider matters discussed should be kept within the confines of the club. However, copies of minutes are available to view in the Bower, just to the right of the kitchen service hatch. The minutes of the last meeting held on the 17th January are now available in the Bower.

Match Secretary Role

Alan Smith has reluctantly had to relinquish the role of Match Secretary and therefore his position on the Management Committee. Mike Scott has agreed to take on the role and will fill the vacancy on the Management Committee.

Bower Improvements

Re-plastering of the Bower ceiling was completed on the 11th January. Quotations for refurbishment of the kitchen are currently under consideration and it is hoped the work will commence shortly. Following completion of the kitchen refurbishment the whole Bower will be redecorated and cleaning of the carpet undertaken.

Men's Honorary Vice-Presidents Association (HVP)

The HVP, which is ran by Cumbria Bowling Association, will resume their matches against clubs in Cumbria after a 2 year absence. Wetheral will host the HVPs on Wednesday 25th May at 6.30pm and the game will comprise 5 triples. Any male member wishing to join the HVP Association, annual subscription £2, and play for them against other clubs should contact me for an entry form and fixture list before the end of February please. 

Season 2022 Fixture List 

The fixture list has now been finalised and will shortly be going to the printers and will hopefully be available at the March coffee morning. It is also available on the web site.

Thank you. Enjoy the forthcoming season everyone.

John Sibley                                                                                                          
