Club Secretary's Newsletter
Thursday, 29th September 2022
Useful information following the end of the season.
Outdoor Season Closure/ Indoor Season Start
The outdoor season closes on Friday the 30th of September. The Greenkeeper, Rob Tapper, needs to start his autumn maintenance programme.
The Short Mat season commences on Tuesday the 4th of October. There will be 3 sessions per week - Tuesdays 1.30 – 3.30, Wednesdays 7.00 – 9.00, Fridays 7.00 – 9.00. Playing fees will be £2 per session with tea/coffee & biscuits provided. The annual subscription of £10 to be paid before the 14th October. Membership will be limited to 40 members. Members will be responsible for lifting and laying mats whenever necessary, eg for coffee mornings and socials. It is hoped to arrange a number of friendly matches against other short mat clubs.
Club Tour 2023
The itinerary has been put together for the club tour next year from the 19th May to the 22nd May at a cost of £350 per person (singles £359):
Bacon butty and coffee/tea at Moffat House Hotel at Moffat;
Visit to the Falkirk Wheel on the way to Perth;
Three night stay at the Royal George Hotel at Perth which includes dinner, bed & breakfast;
Bowls matches - to date matches have been arranged against Perth West End BC on the Saturday ( another game has yet to be arranged on that day) and on the Sunday at Auchterarder BC and Crieff BC.
On the return journey visit to the Britannia Yacht in Edinburgh; and
High Tea at Tinto Hotel, Symington, near Biggar.
We are restricted to a party of 50 and so far we have 47 names down on the list in the Bower. Should we achieve 50 names then thereafter further names will be on a waiting list.
Just a reminder that a £50 deposit is required from everyone who already have their names down and if not yet paid should be paid to the Tour Treasurer, Pat Backhouse, at the Coffee Morning this Saturday.
Presentation Night
Presentation Night is on Friday the 21st of October at the Auctioneer. Please arrive at about 7pm, dinner will be served at 7.30. The programme and list of prize winners will be sent separately from this newsletter. The Auctioneer's standard rate for such an event is £26.50 but as we are regular and valued customers they are only going to charge us £23 per head. However there is also the disco to pay for which adds another £2 to the cost, making the ticket price for the event £25. I would be grateful if you would pay for your tickets at the Coffee Morning this Saturday please. Also I would be grateful for everyone to bring a raffle prize to the event. The dinner menu is as follows:
Starter: Either Tomato & Herb Soup or Melon with a Fruit Sorbet
Main Course: Either Roast Silverside of Lakeland Beef or Salmon Steak with
Lemon & Herb Butter or Spinach, Walnut & Cranberry Nutroast (VG)
Desserts: Sticky Toffee Pudding or Sherry Trifle or Cheese & Biscuits
The Auctioneer need to know how many of each MAIN COURSE are required. It is important therefore that on the list in the Bower you indicate which is your preference. Unless you indicate either salmon (S) or the vegetarian alternative (VG) it will be assumed you have ordered beef. I will need to know your choice no later than THURSDAY 13TH OCTOBER.
Coffee Mornings – Joker & Monthly Draw
Some of those who participate may not be aware that the annual subscriptions of £12 for the Joker and also £12 for the Monthly Draw are now due. The Joker subscription should be paid to John Proctor and the Monthly Draw subscription to John Sibley, preferably at the Coffee Morning this Saturday.
Defibrillator Training
For those who are unaware the club has purchased a new defibrillator. The defibrillator was purchase from London Hearts, has been registered with the National Defibrillator Network and the North West Ambulance Service (NWAS). I have been in touch with NWAS to see if they would provide a training session for members. I have now heard from the Carlisle & District Community First Responders who are willing to come to the club to do a talk and demonstrations on what a defibrillator is, how it works, what to do when you have a casualty, how to perform CPR and more. A date has yet to be arranged and members will be notified in due course. I hope as many of you as possible will attend. Alternatively, London Hearts also sent us a link to a professionally recorded full demonstration training session if you are interested:
I recommend you take a look.
Winter Social Activities
Just a reminder of the planned programme of social events for the winter months:
Friday 21st October – Presentation Night at the Auctioneer
Saturday 19th November – Domino Drive
Saturday 10th December – Christmas Party (Buffet by Skitby House)
Saturday 21st January – Quiz Night
Saturday 25th February – Race Night
Saturday 25th March – Supper & Dance
New Members Meeting
It is intended to hold such a meeting just prior to next season's opening, probably in March. A date has yet to be arranged and members will be notified in due course.